
Business Plan


What is your WHY?

Why are you planning to grow moringa?

What/Who is your market?

What moringa product do you plan on selling?

Get Help Developing Your Moringa Business Plan. Ask yourself these following questions and to get more help inside the VIP Private Members area.

Join The Grow Moringa Collective Private Members Area for more detailed answers on how to start a profitable moringa business.

What product or service will your business provide?

Who are your target customers?

What goals do you have for your company?

What is your mission statement?

Who are the principal members of your company and what are their roles?

What is the legal structure of your company?

Describe your industry?

Describe your customers?

Who are your competitors?

What regulations apply to your company?

What product or service will your company provide?

Describe your pricing structure?

In which lifecycle stage is your product or service?

What intellectual property rights do you have for your product or service?

What research and development (R&D) are you performing or planning?


What is your plan to grow your company?

How will you communicate with your customers?

How will you sell your product or service?

What are the assumptions for your profit and loss spreadsheet?

What are the assumptions for your cash flow spreadsheet?

What are the assumptions for your balance sheet spreadsheet?

What are the assumptions for your break-even analysis?
