Schedule a Harvest

Do you need assistance harvesting your moringa tree?

Schedule a Harvest with any Member on the Moringa Map.

Get On the Members Map Today

Looking to Purchase Local Moringa? Find a Local Grower Member Near You.

Call, Connect and Share your Stories with each other, meet other members that are passionate about moringa as you are.

Search on the Map and Make Connections all over the world. Make partnerships and do business with other members, don't hesitate to make a call or visit their website, make a purchase or email them directly.

✅Buy land from a grower member, search available properties. Inquire about land for sale in their area.

✅Lease land to grow moringa from a member.

✅Offer your help and services to grow moringa on a members property.

✅Help a member grow their moringa business, provide labor and work out a deal.

✅Harvest a members moringa trees to make your own moringa products.

✅Need help harvesting your moringa trees, list your location as a member.

Each location is a budding opportunity to meet a moringa enthusiast. Some members are growing their business from scratch, while some have existing nursery businesses or farms. 

Members are encouraged to form local chapter hubs for surrounding members to meet-up and take their raw moringa material to make products, process and sell together.

As an example, you can see in the layers, Grow Moringa Farms & Nursery. It's on the map as a black tree and is serving the highlighted yellow square area and those members within that area are meeting with each other, building a strong local presence in the Plant City, Lakeland and Zephyrhills region. 

You can become a chapter leader as well and turn your location into a chapter hub, attend one of the daily live webinars with Kendrick Henry to learn more information. Become a president of your own local moringa chapter.

This map is viewable across the entire world and is the marketing and advertising tool that the The Grow Moringa Collective is using to promote your moringa business. A virtual Members Marketplace and Directory of all Yearly/Business Members. Become a member and make sales today.

If you are a monthly/personal grower member and would like to have a featured PIN on the map, upgrade from a 'Personal/Monthly Member' to a 'Business/Yearly Membership', contact Kendrick Henry

If you are a business/yearly member already and are not on the map, provide Kendrick Henry with the following information to get you on the map today. Any or none of this information can be provided, whatever you feel comfortable with sharing. This is a public map.

1) Name (first, last)
2) Business Name (doesn't need to be official LLC Ex: 'Mike's Moringa') make one up.
3) Address / Most Local Intersection (PIN directly on location or nearest intersection)
4) Phone Number (personal number or get a free business number)
5) Email (personal or business)
6) Website or other sales channels (etsy, offerup, fb marketplace, nextdoor)
7) Social media links (fb, ig, tiktok, pinterest, twitter)
5) Slogan/note on your pin. Ex: ''Has moringa trees in pots and seeds, family grown.' 

Don't have inventory at this moment or think its not the right time to list yourself or your moringa business on the map yet? 

Well, then you're missing out on calls today and if you don't get the call you won't be able to call that person back when you do have that item in stock. 

If you get the calls now, you'll be more motivated to get that particular item for them and make a sale. 

If you get a call and don't have that item in stock, then it's best to collect their name, information, phone and email, save it and get back to them as soon as you have it in stock. This is how you build a list and a successful business.

Do not miss out on an opportunity for meeting someone local to you that is seeking moringa. Get on the map today. 

Moringa Love! & Prosperous Growing. +Kendrick, Text Me 813.567.3100